509, 2019

Advanced course in juvenile spondyloarthritis


VENUESheraton Zagreb Hotel, Address: Ul. kneza Borne 2, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia REGISTRATION◗ FELLOW 150 ¤◗ RESIDENT 150 ¤◗ SENIOR 250 ¤ INCLUDED WITH REGISTRATION• Access to Sessions & Poster area• Course documents, including the badge and congress bag• Opening ceremony, welcome reception and dinner on Thursday, 5 Sept. 2019• Coffee breaks, lunch [...]

312, 2018

2. EULAR-ov “Intermediate” tečaj muskuloskeletnog ultrazvuka


Zagreb, December 3rd - December 5th 2018.Hotel Sheraton, Kneza Borne 210000 Zagreb, Croatiawww.hotel-sheratonzagreb.com/hrMusculoskeletal sonography course for rheumatologists, Zagreb 2018 is intended to be a combination of lectures and practical sessions. The course is consisted of theoretical talks and supervised hands-on scanning of healthy persons and/or patients with musculoskeletal disorders.Registration fee: 1000 EUR [...]

1610, 2018

Svjetski dan kralješnice


Poštovani,čast nam je i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na simpozij povodom obilježavanja Svjetskog dana kralješniceSAKROILIJAKALNI ZGLOBOVIkoji pod pokroviteljstvom Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (Razred za medicinske znanosti) organizira Hrvatsko vertebrološko društvo HLZ-a, u suradnji s Klinikom za reumatologiju, fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju i s Klinikom za neurokirurgiju KBC Sestre milosrdnice.Simpozij će [...]

1209, 2018

Course on Sonoguide Interventions and Procedures in Musculoskeletal Diseases


A new concept of interactive, dynamic and multidisciplinary of two and a half days course for musculoskeletal specialist where the workshops represent more than 70% of the learning process. Face to face with the best specialist in new diagnostic and therapeutical techniques.Course on Sonoguide Interventions and Procedures in Musculoskeletal Diseases will [...]

1904, 2018

2. EUVAS-ov tečaj na temu vaskulitisa


U organizaciji EUVAS-a (European Vasculitis Study Group) se u razdoblju od 19. do 21. 4. ove godine u Firenci održava 2. EUVAS-ov tečaj na temu vaskulitisa (2nd EUVAS Vasculitis Course). Prijave i program su detaljno navedeni u dostupnim linkovima. 10/01/2018Dear Friends and Colleagues, We would like to invite you to the 2nd EUVAS Vasculitis Course, [...]

1204, 2018

XVII Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology


XVII Mediterranean Congress of  Rheumatology will be held in Genoa from 12th to 14th of april 2018.Abstract submissions are open. Abstracts should be submitted no later than December 15, 2017 by the online abstract submission form.Abstract notification:  15 January 2018Secretariat and Registration DeskThe on-site registration desks will be open during the following days:• Thursday 12 April 2018 [...]

1510, 2017

MUSOC 2017 Kongres


It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 27th International Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Conference hosted by the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Society (MUSOC), the Israel Society for Diagnostic Ultrasound in Medicine (ISDUM), the Israel Society of Rheumatology and the Israel Society of Orthopedic Surgeons.The meeting will be held in Tel Aviv, [...]

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