U organizaciji EUVAS-a (European Vasculitis Study Group) se u razdoblju od 19. do 21. 4. ove godine u Firenci održava 2. EUVAS-ov tečaj na temu vaskulitisa (2nd EUVAS Vasculitis Course). Prijave i program su detaljno navedeni u dostupnim linkovima.



Dear Friends and Colleagues,


We would like to invite you to the 2nd EUVAS Vasculitis Course, which will be held in Florence, Italy, 19-21 April 2018. The first edition of the EUVAS vasculitis course was held in Cambridge in January 2017 and covered different aspects of systemic vasculitis, with a focus on ANCA-associated vasculitis. The second course aims to cover small and large-vessel vasculitis, but will also have sessions dedicated to Behçet syndrome and large-vessel involvement in fibro-inflammatory disorders. The course has a primary educational purpose, but will also emphasize “what’s new in vasculitis”. It will run over three days, and will comprise plenary lectures on major topics and specific sessions on organ involvement in systemic vasculitis, clinical case discussions, and newer aspects of disease pathogenesis and treatment.

Thanks to the presence of outstanding speakers and chairmen coming from all over Europe and the US, we are sure that the scientific level of the course will be high and that the sessions will be exciting.

Also, Firenze in spring will hopefully be an ideal frame for this course!

Looking forward to welcoming you in Firenze,


Sincerely Yours,

Domenico Prisco and David Jayne
Directors of the 2nd EUVAS Course

Giacomo Emmi
Carlo Salvarani
Augusto Vaglio
Organising Committee and scientific program chairmen


2nd EUVAS Vasculitis Course

April 19-21, 2018

Palazzo Corsini, Firenze – Italy

Course Directors

Domenico Prisco, David Jayne

Organising Committee and scientific program chairmen

Giacomo Emmi

Carlo Salvarani

Augusto Vaglio

Conference highlights

– More than 70 International Expert Faculty.

– Expected attendance of over 300 clinicians and scientists from around the world.

– The program schedule includes over 28 talks in the plenary sessions and 18 “Focus on” for a small number of attendees by international experts in the field of Systemic Vasculitis.

–  No registration fee is required to attend the conference.


To register or for further information: 
